~ AC&C 2023 ~

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Harmony, Inc.
Area 2 Convention & Contests

April 20 - 23, 2023
Westborough, Massachusetts

Area 2's AC&C Convention Team and
Hostess Chapter, New England Voices in Harmony

Welcome you to

On Broadway 2023

Area 2 Quartet Champions



Women of Note, Hudson, MA; New England Voices in Harmony, Nashua, NH

Qualifiers to International: High Gear, Intonations, Life's A Pitch, Steppin' Up, SweetLife

Rae Borror Award (most improved) & Voices of Experience Award (seniors quartet): Free Spirits

Jane Beale Award (most improved Performance score): Life's A Pitch

Area 2 Chorus Champions

New England Voices in Harmony, Nashua, NH

New England Voices in Harmony, Nashua, NH

Guiding Hands Award: Renée Tramack & Samantha Tramack


Qualifiers to International: Barre-Tones, Inc., Harmony Heritage, Montreal City Voices, New England Voices in Harmony, Silk'n Sounds, Sounds of the Seacoast, Women of Note

Betty Costellow Small Chorus Award: Montreal City Voices

Rising Star Award (most improved): Silk'n Sounds

Sandi White Membership Award: Rhythm of New Hampshire Show Chorus

Achievement Award: Women of Note

Forms on Google drive


Convention Hotel

DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel
5400 Computer Drive
Westborough, Massachusetts 01581

Reservation information and further details may be found here.


DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel
5400 Computer Drive
Westborough, Massachusetts 01581

The contests will be held in the Grand Ballroom at the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel, which is on the Main Level.

(For specific details see the General Contestant Information page.)


All-Events Passes & Registration

All-Events Passes (AEP) include admission to All Events, Education Classes, and Saturday Night Banquet and Showcase. Individual event tickets are available for the Quartet Contest and the Chorus Contest. A limited number of separate Saturday night banquet tickets are also available.

Click here for details....

Safety Protocols for AC&C 2023

Harmony, Inc. and Area 2 are committed to offering a safe, accessible event, as we are committed to the health and safety of our convention attendees. Along with continually seeking guidance from our COVID-19 Team and some medical professionals, we are closely monitoring COVID-19 data and following the ongoing evolution of event safety protocols.

For details on the guidelines and safety measures in place for the convention, please see the Safety Protocols page.


To be On Broadway!... you’ve got to hustle, and it takes a lot of folks behind the scenes! You know that! Yes, we’re asking for your help!

Please set aside time to assist with the Hospitality Room, Education Classes, door monitoring of our contests or backstage assistance during contests. Sign up by entering your information on the SignUp Genius poll.




If you have questions or prefer to sign up directly by email, contact our Volunteer Coordinator, Joanne O'Connor at volunteers@area2harmony.org.  Your help will be very much appreciated.

Remember, the backstage crew is just as much a part of a successful performance as those on the stage!

Education Classes

For those of you interested in attending education classes, they are currently in the planning stages. Classes will be held on Thursday from 7:30 – 9:30 p.m. and on Friday starting at 8:30 a.m. They will be held in the conference rooms of the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel.

Click here for more information.


Not able to attend in person? Bring your Area Contest into the living rooms, work cubicles, and onto the streaming devices of those who cannot be there in person!

Click here for more information.

Panel of Judges

Administrative Judges:

Sue Novosad (Panel Chair)

Marie Ross

Music Judges:

Steve Tramack
Susan Wood

Performance Judges:

Lynn Blakeney
Fatima Whelan

Singing Judges:

Amy Patterson
Jen Wheaton

Practice Panel Judges


Angie Morton-Locke


Jessi Nasto


Hospitality Room

Welcome to On Broadway!, our celebration of song and the resiliency and power of performance right here at AC&C 2023, hosted by New England Voices in Harmony (NEVIH). From the old standards to newer shows, the music of Broadway is a part of the fabric of our musical lives. As we experience the joy of singing together, we honor those who make their living making music come alive, while we celebrate each other’s gift to do the same. NEVIH welcomes you to On Broadway!!!

Be sure to stop by the Hospitality Room to pick up your All-Events Pass. There you will also find the popular basket raffle to benefit our Youth Outreach programs, interesting items for sale, a place to relax with a revitalizing chair massage or just room to gather and chat with fellow performers. The Hospitality Room will be open on Thursday and Friday (not Saturday).

If you would like to sell any of your quartet or chorus CD’s in the Hospitality Room, please contact the Hostess Chapter Chairs, Lynn Arner or Rita Ralston at acchospitality@area2harmony.org for more information and to make arrangements.

The hotel will be making a lunch concession available on Friday and Saturday, near the Hospitality Room from 11:15 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. A variety of sandwiches and snacks will be available for purchase. Details to be added here later.

Sounds like fun, right? NEVIH looks forward to greeting you and helping the Area 2 Convention Team make your AC&C experience as enjoyable as possible. You will recognize NEVIH members by their black T-shirts with a Broadway Show Playbill depicted.

Basket Raffle

Yes, it’s that time again to plan what your basket will be like for the Raffle. Chapters, quartets and individuals have been very generous in past years in supporting the raffle where the full proceeds are used to fund events for our youth.

Area 2 will again partner with the Barbershop Harmony Society and Sweet Adelines to support the Harmony Explosion Camp Northeast 2023, along with other Chapter Youth Initiatives and Youth Scholarships during the coming year. Proceeds from the Basket Raffle will support these efforts. We invite chapters and quartets to plan a creative basket to provide for these causes.

The theme for this year, On Broadway! can be interpreted as creatively as you wish for your basket themes. Once you’ve decided on your basket, or have any questions, please contact our Raffle Basket Coordinator Diane Reynolds, at accraffle@area2harmony.org.  Thanks for your support!

Photography, Audio, & Video

Photographs will be taken of each contestant and will be available for purchase. The Photo Order Form is available here.

Video Thumb Drives will also be created and one copy will be available for purchase by each contestant. The Video Order Form is available here.

Program Ads

We will be offering Chapters, Quartets, and individuals the availability to purchase PROGRAM ADS. Anyone who wishes to send congratulations or good luck wishes to contestants in a program ad, please click here for details...

Links to more details:

General Contestant Information (pattern/schedule, etc.)

Education Classes

Hotel Reservation Information

Mixed Ensemble Contestant Information

Order of Appearance

Registration and Tickets

Safety Protocols

Saturday Night Festivities

Schedule (Subject to change)


AC&C Convention Team:

Convention Manager

Diane Patterson

Area 2 Contest and Judging Chair

Christina Tramack (outgoing)
Linda Bober (incoming)


Betsy Westgate


Diane Fagerstrom


Karen Hayden


Nancy Bossie

Judges Services

Linda Muise

Publicity / Communication

Michèle Hansen

Stage Manager / Backstage Team

John Green

Hostess Chapter Co-Chairs

Lynn Arner, Rita Ralston

Looking forward to seeing you all at AC&C. Can’t wait to see you all On Broadway!

Copyright © 2025 Harmony, Inc Area 2